The only limits to our achievements tomorrow are our doubts and hesitations today.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
1882 - 1945
Hotels and services
07/03/2015 - Updated 03/27/2017
We are a family owned and operated business.
Hotels in Baixo Guandu - ES
We are a family owned and operated business.
Barbosa Hotel and Restaurant
Av. 10 de Abril, 338 - Centro - Baixo Guandu - ES
(27) 3732 - 3994 / (27) 3732 - 4961 / (27) 3732 - 4917
It has a restaurant on its premises, attached parking.
Príncipe Hotel
Dr. Hugo Lopes Nalle, 98 - Centro - Baixo Guandu - ES
(27) 3732 - 1585 / (27) 9824 - 8548
We are a family owned and operated business.
Hotel Bom Destino
Ibituba Street, 259 - Operário - Baixo Guandu - ES
55 (27) 3732–3130 / 55 (27) 9.9718-0594
Close to the local bus station.
Hotels in Aimorés - MG
The city of Aimorés is 5 km away, being that it belongs to the state of Minas Gerais, the access can be done by two fast access routes.
Villares Hotel
Av. Dr. Américo Martins da Costa, 99 - Centro - Aimorés - MG
(33) 3267 - 2897
Just below its premises there is a restaurant by the same owner, (Deguste Restaurante).
Instituto Terra
RPPN Fazenda Bulcão - Aimorés - MG
+55 (33) 3267 2025
+55 (33) 3267 1829
We are a family owned and operated business.
This place is not necessarily a hotel, but it is possible to stay in its facilities, it is important to communicate in advance and schedule, obtaining the details about it.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The place is very pleasant and it is worth knowing the project and the ecological activities implemented by the institution; The visit is made by monitoring, call ahead to schedule.
Hotel Estevam
Av. Raul Soares, 915 - Centro - Aimorés - MG
(33) 3267 - 3955
We are a family owned and operated business.
Pousada das Acácias
Av. Florisvaldo Dias Oliveira, 50 - Centro - Aimorés - MG
(33) 3267 - 1643 (33) 3267 - 1159
We are a family owned and operated business.
It has parking.
Hotel Lorena
Av. Raul Soares, 1.258 - Centro - Aimorés - MG
55 (33) 3267-2959 / 55 (33) 9.9987-1905
Aimorés Palace Hotel
Praça João Pinheiro, 250 - Centro - Aimorés - MG
(33) 3267 - 1448