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The words of friendship and comfort may be short and succinct, but their echo is endless.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

1910 - 1997

History of ramp construction

This is one of those stories that we must not fail to tell, let alone forget.

We are a family owned and operated business.

For a long time, what was just a "dream" was becoming a reality. It was a period of hard work, but it was overcome with the commitment, dedication and unity of those who believed and joined forces to make today The Ramp of Monjolo becomes a world reference in free flight.

12/31/2014 - This was the day when the history of the construction of the Ramp began, the local pilots talking to the owner of the site.

Looking at everything that was done and in such a short time, we realized how much we are surrounded by good and helpful people ... We want to record our thanks to everyone who was not carried away by pessimism or disbelief in carrying out this work.

For many moments we were "surprised" with businessmen, pilot friends and the "Divine hand" at important moments in construction.

Following a little of this trajectory where the story is not over yet ... But it continues to be told in a different way, thanks to the attitudes and willingness of many to make Monjolo a better place every day.

17/05/2017 - Updated 17/05/2017

Ramp structuring support

We are a family owned and operated business.

Many other names should appear on this list, they are people who in some way or moment participated in the construction, be it through financial means or with their labor, but for reasons beyond our control or at their request, they are not part of this mention, but seeing this history we are sure that they also felt proud to be part of this history with us. Our special thanks to them.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Atec Engenharia - Açai Vitória - AVLP Pancas Free Flight Association - AVLES - Espirito Santo Free Flight Association - Architetto Finishes - Screw House - Cerâmica Guandu - Compact Locations and Earthworks - Com Com. Services - Dédallus Escola de Voo Livre - Dr. Marjo Lemos and family - Pinette family - Geraldo Boni - Gráfica Guandu - Hotel Barbosa - Hotel Bom Destino - JF Electronic Security Consultancy - Piske Mechanics (in particular Mr Hélio Piske) - City Hall - Kimacoll - Rádio Sintonia FM 87, 9 - Rappelling Colatina - Supermarket D'Martins - Awnings Alcântara - Tornogram - Solar Vix - Mining Borchadt - Pilots of free flight and diverse sympathizers

The "one" who even without having "See it" we know that "exists" and is always by our side!

Thank you very much for helping us in those "magic" moments ...!

All a dream needs to be realized is someone who believes that it can be realized.

Roberto Shinyashiki

Persistence is the path to success.

Charles Chaplin

1889 - 1977

People come into our lives by chance, but it is not by chance that they remain.

Lilian Tonet

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